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St. John's National School, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo

Student Council update

25th Jun 2024

The Student Council spoke at assembly today to recap over the successful year they have had.

They also showed the resources they have purchased for the school from the Jumble Sale they held. They have bought new nets for 4 of the goalposts. These have been much requested by the senior classes and they have saved many footballs from getting lost since they were installed!

They also bought some outdoor building blocks for the junior classes to use at breaktime.
The last thing they bought was a big supply of games for classes to use during wet break times. 

The Student Council had a party yesterday to celebrate a great year. They have been a great team, listened very well to the students of the school and have been very responsible. They are very proud of what they have achieved all year. See below some photos of the resources they purchased. Well done to all!