Access Keys:

St. John's National School, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo

Sixth Class Trip to Delphi

18th Jun 2024

Our tour to Delphi was an absolute blast! We kicked off from St. John's, arriving at Delphi Adventure Centre just in time for a tasty lunch. The instructors greeted us, showed us to our rooms, and off we went for some forest orienteering madness in teams of 4!

Next up, it was tag-archery showdown time! Divided into two teams, we played 'knockout' and took aim at poor Mrs. McDonagh - she didn't stand a chance against our sharpshooting skills! 🎯

Back at the 'Grub Hub' for a scrumptious dinner, we made new pals, chatted, and kicked around a football. Then, our fearless leader Jack led us into the forest for more thrilling challenges.

Bedtime at 10? Not a chance! We had 'the craic' in our rooms, keeping sleep at bay.

Bright and early at 7.30 am, we packed up, tidied our rooms, and dove into some delicious breakfast at 8 am - those sausages at Delphi were the real MVPs!

Today's adventure? The Bog Challenge! Life jackets, helmets, and wetsuits on, we marched to the bog for some belly-flopping, confessional sharing, and bog obstacle course action. Filthy and drained, we cleaned up with heavenly hot showers before a well-deserved lunch break.

Football, chitchat, and good times with old and new buddies filled our afternoon before bidding adieu to Delphi. A trip we won't soon forget!