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St. John's National School, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo

Final Weeks in Rang a Sé

26th Jun 2024
After a fantastic trip to Delphi, we arrived back to the Wednesday of Active Schools Week. European Silver Medalist Lauren Cadden raised our Active School Flag, there was great excitement.
Dermot McDermott, brought us to Abbey Drive and did some athletics training with us. The session was excellent, we were lucky enough to get a second session with him indoors on Friday.
The ice-cream van also made an appearance on Wednesday and we must thank the Parents' Association for this yummy treat.
On Thursday we had Sports Day, the GAA Coaches came & ran the day for us. It was brilliant. The races and tug of war were the highlight. 
Yesterday our old friend, Mr. Dillon, returned and led us on a hike up Union Rock. We were so lucky with the weather and the view was breathtaking from the top. 
We stopped at the football pitch on the way home & enjoyed an ice-cream on our walk back to school. 
We also received our End of Year Magazine at our last assembly yesterday & had great fun asking our friends & teachers to sign them. 
We said goodbye to St. John's today, there were a few tears but we are all looking forward to secondary school.